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Activities Week 1 | 9th - 13th October

  • Activities Week Details

  • Tanzania Immersion Trip 2024: Applications Open

  • Nightmare Realm Evening Trip

  • TY Calendar update with Activities confirmed to date

4.1 Work Placement (WP)
4.2 Bike Skills & Maintenance
4.3 Cookery
4.4 Law
4.5 Boxing & Self Defence

Group 4.1 Work Placement

Please make sure you have filled in the Work Placement Form posted on the Google Classroom & via the QR Code on the TYC Office window (you will only be able to access this form when you are logged in through your STMC Gmail account):

Preparing for your placement

Contact your employer to confirm the details of your placement.

Find out answers to the following questions:

  • where should you go on your first day, for example reception or a particular entrance?

  • what time should you arrive?

  • what time will you finish work?

  • who should you ask for when you get there?

  • what are you expected to wear?

  • do you need any special equipment?

  • what sorts of things will you be doing?

  • do they expect you to have any particular skills?

  • will you be able to go out to buy lunch or do you need to bring a packed lunch?

Don’t forget to tell them if you have any health problems which may affect your work experience, for instance if you have any allergies or asthma.

Make sure you keep your notes of the phone call in a safe place.

Dress code

Many employers will say “smart casual” but what does that really mean?

You should wear dark trousers (not jeans), smart shirt (plain is best) and smart shoes (no runners).

If you are going to a placement that involves manual activity then jeans may be fine. Remember to have layers and a waterproof jacket in case the weather turns bad.

During Your placement

To make the most out of your placement, see the tips below:

  • have a list of questions for your employer

  • remember that you are there on placement, you won’t be running the company

  • talk to your supervisor about what your interests are and what you want to achieve

  • find out about employees’ jobs, how they got them and ask for advice

  • keep a note of any work you do and skills and strengths you’ve used

  • keep a diary of what you do each day

  • offer to help out as much as possible

  • ask for feedback when you’ve finished and if you can have a reference

  • keep a note of any computer packages you use

  • if you enjoy the placement find out about their future recruitment plans

  • talk to your parent(s) / guardian about what you have learned each day

Say thank you!

Work placements can be difficult to find as employers have competing demands for their time.

Be grateful for any work experience you can secure. Be sure to say thanks to your employer and your co workers throughout the week.

I will be contacting your employers directly with feedback forms so make sure to share their details with me in the form below:


Group 4.2 Bike Skills & Maintenance

Meet at Bike Hub 10:30 Monday - beside the RNLI, Queen's Rd, Dún Laoghaire, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin

Workshop Venue: St John of God, Cintra (

10:30am - 2pm Monday (early finish Wednesday)

Please arrive 10 minutes early

As discussed at the start of TY - each student is to bring their bike (please email me asap if you don't have a bike or are unable to bring one).

Dress: Non Uniform*

*A good deal of the bike skills/education sessions will be taking place outdoors so please layer up! (eg t-shirt, jumper, wind cheater, warm jacket)

Please bring a packed lunch

Here's a clip of course coordinator Stephen McManus speaking to RTE News last week about circular economies, sustainable transport and independent travel.

Group 4.3 Cookery Week

Venue: STMC Pavilion, Upper Room

10am - 2pm Daily (early finish Wednesday)

Dress Code: Non uniform

Please arrive 10 minutes early

4.4 Law Activity

A note from the Law Week Coordinator:

"On Monday 9th October the first day of the course, I will meet the students at the Kings Bench Suite, Maldron Hotel, Smithfield Market, Smithfield, Dublin 7, D07 RF2Y, at 10 a.m for an introduction to law and the legal system in Ireland The students might note the meeting room, there will also be signs to the room under “St Michael's TY”.

The students will attend the Criminal Courts of Justice (CCJ) and/or the Four Courts for the rest of the week.

They will be instructed to meet me at the CCJ on Tuesday - Friday at 10am. They will finish at 1pm every day, except on THURSDAY when they will be leaving the CCJ at 12:30am (approx) to return to the STMC Upper Study to attend a talk with the charity, Care After Prison, which will start at 2:00pm - 3:00pm. A tour of the Criminal Courts is also being organised, possibly for earlier on Wednesday morning but I will let the students know once it is confirmed by the Courts Service next week.

It is recommended students have a good breakfast, as there will be no ‘little break’ prior to lunch (around 1 o’clock).

The Maldron Hotel is located in Smithfield Square, a 5 minute walk through Smithfield Square from the Smithfield Luas stop.

The Hotel is accessible via the Luas (Red Line via Dart). Otherwise Buses to O’Connell Bridge leave students a 20-minute walk from the hotel.


  • No school uniform required.

  • No St. Michael’s College gear e.g. Jackets etc.

  • No Runners or Hoodies.

  • Smart casual i.e. shoes, trousers & shirts/jumper – there is no need to wear a suit.

Please dress as if attending for work experience i.e. neat and tidy at all times – no need for any parent to purchase new items for this week. If possible, please do not bring school bags (the students will not need any materials for the week). Obviously, if students need to bring sports gear etc., they may do so, but I would ask that they please do not bring items that are unnecessary or any items of value (as they will be at risk of being stolen in the CCJ).

The students will be within a professional environment at all times and will be expected to act as such."

Group 4.5 Boxing & Self Defence


Headon Boxing Academy,

61D Heather Rd, Sandyford

9:50am - 1:20pm (earlier finish Wednesday)

Dress Code:

Gym wear/Non uniform

*Please note that Wednesdays are less physical and will focus on mobility/flexibility (in consideration that some of you have match commitments that day)

Tanzania Immersion Trip 2024: Applications Open

St. Michael's College Chaplaincy Team is delighted to invite applications from TY students interested in travelling to Tanzania for around the last 10 days of May 2024.

This is a great opportunity to experience the work of the Spiritan Fathers in East Africa and to develop a unique understanding of the needs of others.

In line with last year, the cost of the trip will be around €2,000. This covers inoculations, flights, visas, transport, food, water and events during our stay.

Additionally, each student travelling will be encouraged to fundraise which will go directly to our Tanzanian charity fund.

Here's the highlights from last year's trip:

In order to apply, please fill in the application form below. All applications require parent/guardian consent. Please return by Thursday 12th October.

Please find the link to the online Tanzania 2024 Application form on the TY Google Classroom

Interviews will take place on the 19th and 20th October.

For any questions, please direct to Mr Doolan at

Regarding other international trips

Applications for the following will open once the Tanzania group has been finalised (by end of Oct):

  • Boston Exchange (St Sebs in Dub: 16 - 24 March) (STMC in Bos 30 Mar - 7 April)

  • Tall Ships Ocean Voyage on the Pelican of London (19th - 24th May)

  • Camino Pilgrimage (22-27 May approx - a second group will be considered depending on numbers)

  • German Exchange: TBC

Nightmare Realm

Wednesday 11th October

Meeting for 7pm at the (the old Smithfield) Council Fruit & Veg Market
Finishing 8:30pm

You are expected to make your way to the Nightmare Realm I will be handing out wristbands to all & only those who registered through the Google Classroom on arrival.

The location of the venue is here:

The Nightmare Realm, Council Wholesale Fruit Vegetable And Flower Market, Mary's Ln, Dublin

The easiest way to access by public transport is by DART to Connolly Station then Take the Luas Red line to “Four Courts” Luas stop.

We will be waiting at the main entrance on St Michans St - an approx 1 minute walk from the Luas stop along Chancery St.

TY Calendar (with Activities Confirmed to date)

Please note that details will be shared on a weekly basis and that the calendar is subject to small changes as the year progresses.


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