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TY Newsletter 11 - 15 January

A Happy & Healthy New Year to you all.

I'm hoping that everyone is managing the current situation in relative comfort. It's a pity that we are here again...but Mr Joyce, the TY Reps, the school community and I are doing our level best to deliver a TY programme that is engaging & positive over the next few weeks.

It is an eventuality we have prepared for (you'll find details of the type of things we can do & have done during a school closure HERE)

Taking some time to reflect on how you might approach the next few weeks will benefit you. If you're unsure as to where to start you might look at the TY website outlining Growth Mindset and why it's going to be important to be thinking of how you can help others (especially family) at this time: you never know, it could help if you experience choppy waters.

A very important practical note: Mr Joyce & I will be communicating to all TYs on Google Classroom - all TYs need to be be sure that they have notifications for Google Classroom turned on. If, for example, they did not receive messages on Google Classroom over the last few days you should email Mr Joyce or I and we can help rectify this.

You'll find the following in this week's Newsletter:

  • A letter from the Principal

  • Online Classroom Expectations & Etiquette

  • TY Timetable & Assessment Week

  • TY Reps Meeting & Activities

  • Subject Choices

  • Gaisce during school closures


Online Classroom Expectations & Etiquette

Just a few things to make sure you've considered:


  • Make sure you are up and dressed. Dressed appropriately PJ's don't count!

Get your workspace ready:

  • Make sure you can work properly (things like a desk and a socket will come in handy!). If you can't work where are you are set yourself up somewhere else before the class.

  • Check what's behind you (it's going to be visible to everyone)

  • Be ready to go on time – this is still class time so you need to be punctual.

  • Have any books, materials, pens etc ready to go for when class begins.

When class is in progress:

  • Mute your microphone when you're not speaking. It will help block out any background noise the class might hear. Just a habit to get into once you're finished speaking – mute your mic!

  • Remember you're still in class – you're there to learn and the same principles apply. Follow your teachers instructions, think before you type and do your best to keep focused on the task you've been given.

Just in general:

  • Be respectful of everyone in your class – we all have a good idea of what is acceptable and what is it. Remember that this applies online as well as in your regular classroom.

  • If you're having trouble ask for help. It's best to do this during school hours or ask your teacher when might suit.

  • Try to enjoy it! It's definitely not the usual way of doing things but giving it your best go and looking for the positives might make it a bit more fun.


TY Timetable & Assessment Week

This timetable is a working draft timetable and we will be confirming any changes after a staff meeting Friday 15th January.

Assessments in the above subjects will take place as normal 25th - 29th January.


TY Reps Meeting & Activities

We'll be keeping TY activities relatively straightforward throughout this week. The aim for our first week online is to make sure classtime runs as smoothly as possible and that no TY feels overwhelmed or adrift.

However, we fully intend on running a number of activities: challenges, speakers, socially distanced fundraisers etc throughout the next few weeks.

We have met with the TY Reps and they have put forward student concerns to Mr Joyce and I. We have already addressed them as fully as is feasible. We will be in constant contact with the TY Reps so please make sure to raise any issues, questions or suggestions with your Class Rep or us so we can address it asap.

For this week, Richie and Larry will be organising the first TY activity online. I will follow up with more details as soon as I have them.


Subject Choices

Mr Hogan and Mr O'Conner will be talking to all TYs about their subject choices for 5th year in the coming weeks.

You will still continue to take the TY options during online class to enable you to make as informed a decision as possible this March (when you submit your subject choice forms).



I have contacted all TYs (who submitted their consent forms before Christmas over Google Classroom). Please be sure to check you are have access to Gaisce 20/21 (Google Classroom) so we can make adjustments to your Gaisce activities if needs be.

If you need to get in touch about any further queries regarding Gaisce just email me.

Details on Gaisce can be found on the TY website HERE


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