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TY Newsletter 13th - 17th January

  • Positive Mental Health Week

  • Some Highlights:

    • The Two Andrews!

    • 4.2 First Aid

    • Feast of the Epiphany

Positive Mental Health Week

This January, we’re prioritising mental health with a series of events across the school this week

  • Wednesday, 15th January

    • SOAR Mental Health Workshop: All TY students are invited to this empowering session from 10 am to 1 pm.

      The SOAR workshop allows TYs to explore their emotions and sense of self by creating a supportive and authentic environment to discuss their lives with one another.

      The SOAR Foundation was set up in 2012 to tackle a problem very evident amongst many teenagers: lack of self-esteem, confidence, and direction. Teenagers are navigating an extremely complex world, with studies showing that life satisfaction, optimism, and body confidence are at a low.

      The SOAR workshop is a chance for them to pause and ask themselves and each other how they really are through the guidance and direction of skilled facilitators. The workshop has proven to result in improved emotional management and a growth in independent and critical thinking.

      See the SOAR Foundation website,

      Please note: No uniform required.

  • Friday, 17th January

    • Walk in My Shoes Campaign: Join us in supporting St. Patrick’s Mental Health Campaign through fundraising and awareness-raising activities.


Irish Powerlifters Andrew Blackwood and Andrew Roe

This week, we were happy to welcome Andrew Blackwood and Andrew Roe, two accomplished Irish powerlifters, who shared the wisdom gained from their incredible journeys in sport and life.

Their inspirational talk highlighted:

  1. Consistency: The importance of showing up every day and sticking to your goals.

  2. Process Orientation: Trusting the steps, not just the outcomes, as you work towards success.

  3. Doing Your Best: Focusing on effort over perfection and giving it your all.

  4. Dreaming Big: Encouraging everyone to set bold goals and pursue their aspirations fearlessly.

  5. Motivation: How to stay driven even when faced with challenges.

Their stories resonated deeply, offering lessons that apply not just to sports but to school and life.


Congratulations to 4.2 – First Aid Certified!

Well done to all in 4.2 for successfully completing your First Aid Certification!
Well done to all in 4.2 for successfully completing your First Aid Certification!


A Reflective Start to the Year: Feast of the Epiphany

Thank you to everyone who participated in celebrating the Feast of the Epiphany. This was a lovely way to begin the year, reminding us of what we’re grateful for.

Special thanks to the Chaplaincy Team and Fr. Paddy for their efforts in organising the mass.

Also, a very special Nollaig na mBan to all:)


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