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TY Newsletter 15 - 19 April

  • Movie Night - a note from Mr Doolan

  • Assessment Week (Activities Week 4: 22-26 April)

  • Gaisce Forms

  • Homeless Contact Work

  • TUD Summer School

  • 4.5 Driver/Scooter Education

  • 4.3 Tourism Module

Movie Night

"The Parents Association’s Movie Night in support of the Tanzania Immersion Fund surpassed all expectations once again this year! We extend heartfelt gratitude to everyone who lent their support to this incredible event. Stay tuned for the official tally, as the final figure is still in the works.

Every penny raised will directly contribute to the construction of sports facilities at the Libermann School for boys in Dar es Salaam, as well as benefit the Spiritans Primary School for Deaf Children.

A special shoutout goes to the dedicated parents on the PA who poured their hearts and souls into ensuring the night’s success: Tricia Lydon, Michele Neilan Brennan, Anne Marie O'Friel, Vanessa Bainbridge, Rosalind Curtin, Bronagh Kelleher, Orla Fitzpatrick, Emma Barry, and Michelle Small.

Our immense gratitude also extends to Andrew Lowe and the team at Light House Cinema for graciously hosting us and screening the captivating film, Rosie. Your generosity knows no bounds, and we are truly grateful for your support.

Last but certainly not least, a huge round of applause to all our sponsors who contributed corporate donations and prizes for the raffle. Your generosity has made a significant impact, and we cannot thank you enough for your unwavering support."

-Oliver Doolan - Immersion Leader

Assessment Week

There will be assessments :projects, presentations and exams taking place for all TYs this week.

A reminder that Activities Week 4 will be running 22-26 April

4.1 Law

4.2 Boxing & Self Defense

4.3 Work Placement

4.4 Bike Skills & Maintenance

4.5 Cookery

Gaisce Forms

I will be accepting completed Gaisce forms from all participants from this week.

If you have any questions, please pop into the TYC Office.

Homeless Contact Work

Contact work is up and running every Thursday 6:30pm. If you would like to take part please email me to confirm your space.

TUD summer school

This may be of interest to anyone who is interested in Computer Science 

4.5 Driver/Scooter Education

4.3 Tourism Module: Dublin Tour


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