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TY Newsletter 23 - 27th October

  • Congratulations!

  • TY Trip: Airsoft (& Go Karting November 6th & 7th)

  • CAT 4 Tests

  • Trocaire Documentary Workshop 4.2

  • Halloween Fancy Dress in Aid of Pieta House

  • Tanzania Immersion Trip Offers (25th Oct)

  • Raffle in Aid of the Tanzania Immersion Trip


A heartfelt congratulations to all of you on receiving your Junior Cert results ...

...we even had time to enjoy hot chocolate and cakes to mark the occasion!

TY Trip: Airsoft

Tuesday, 24th October

(& Go Karting November 6 & 7)

We will be travelling to Airsoft first thing Tuesday morning. Please be in your class at 8:45am for roll call and then go to the Ailesbury Road entrance to depart for Special Ops at 9am.

We will be leaving Wicklow at 2pm and will be back in school no later than 3:30pm.

Lunch (a pizza) will be provided.

The day is non uniform. Please take special note: We will be outside for the day so please wear appropriate clothing.

Remember, if you have not dropped a hard copy of the Waiver into my office you won't be allowed to travel.

Spare copies are available in in my office or you can print the Waiver for Airsoft- a PDF is available from the TY Google Classroom.

Go Karting
4.1, 4.2 & 4.3A to take part 6th Nov
4.3B, 4.4 & 4.5 to take part 7th Nov

There are lists on my office window. Please check your details are correct; you will need to input these details to register for Go Karting. I will send out a link on the Google Classroom when it is ready to share.

Any issues let me know on Monday.

Cognitive Ability Test

Thursday, 26th Oct

CAT4 is an assessment that is designed to help you understand how you learn and what your academic potential might be. It assesses how you think in areas that are known to make a difference to learning.

You will be sitting these tests this Thursday.

🚨Please be sure to bring a fully charged laptop or tablet, a pen and some rough work sheets.🚨

Mr Hogan will be going through details re time and venue early next week.

Trocaire Documentary Workshop 4.2

A documentary workshop on social justice and sustainable development will be taking place this Monday in Library, 10:20 - 1pm for all in 4.2 Film Studies.

Halloween Fancy Dress in Aid of Pieta House

Tanzania Immersion Trip Offers

Please note that offers for Tanzania Immersion Trip will be made by the 25th October.

After this, the following trips will be open for applications: Sailing Expedition, Camino and Boston Exchange.

Details including dates and prices will be shared after the mid term.


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