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TY Newsletter 25th-29th September

  • Hospice Coffee Morning

  • Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement

  • Together Academy Volunteers

  • Eco UNESCO Talk

  • Driving & e-Scooter Lessons (4.3)

  • St Michael's Day, Friday, 29th September

  • The Globe Program - Volunteers needed

All our thoughts and prayers are with Dylan, Robert and Michèle at this difficult time.

Hospice Coffee Morning

A massive thank you to everyone for their support today. Our coffee morning was a a massive success. A special mention of thanks to everyone that sent in cakes, donated prizes and to all parents who offered their time to helping out.

Sincere thanks to the TY parents Reps Tricia and Michèle for all their help coordinating volunteers.

Thanks to all staff in particular Mr Doolan, Mr Hogan, Mr O'Donnell, Mrs Healy, Dale Skinner (for the table dressing) and Jimmy, Christian and Toy for all their help too!

If you were unable to make the morning but would like to offer a donation, you can do so here:

Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA)

On your JCPA, you will receive a record of your Junior Cert examination results, which will be published on 18th October 2023.

In addition, you have the opportunity to include a record of ‘Other Areas of Learning’ you may have engaged in between 1st and 3rd year only. You will be asked to submit this record soon, so we ask that you consider some of the options below which may be applicable to you. Please find all details for your consideration here:

Together Academy Volunteers

Thanks again to our Together Academy Volunteers - you are expected at 8am in Wanderers RFC, Monday to help set up the Cafe.


11:40-12:20, Monday, 25th Sept

Assembly Hall

ECO UNESCO will be speaking to all TYs about their work and how you can get involved in their 12-week environmental programme.

4.3 Driving & e-Scooter Lessons

All in Mr Kearney's Drivers Ed Class will be taking a mock theory test, driving and e-scooter lessons this Thursday. Please meet at the Pavilion at P2. Be sure to be in for P1 roll call

As much of the lesson is outdoors, be sure to wear an appropriate coat for the day.

St Michael's Day

Friday, 29th September

Mass will be celebrated in the Sports Hall at 11:40 and school will finish afterwards.

School will be closed on Monday, 2nd October.

The Globe Program - Volunteers needed

I am looking for 2 volunteers to take part in the GLOBE Program. This involves taking air quality measurements around the school and logging the results.

Drop into the office if you are interested in helping to coordinate.


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