Whole Year Work Placements 28 Feb - 11 Mar
Subject Choices
Footee.ie in School & Paint balling
Whole Year Work Placements 28 Feb - 11 Mar
Wishing all TYs the very best with Work Placements for the Work Placement fortnight ahead.
Please don't hesitate to get in touch with me if there are any issues.
You will be sent a Work Placement feedback form during the week of the 28th Feb via Google Classroom. Please be sure to to fill it in - as your completed form will be your "ticket" for the upcoming paint balling trip 24th March.
Subject Choices
Both Mr. Hogan and Mr. O'Connor have begun meeting students in their respective classes, about their 5th Year Subject Choices.
The form has to be returned to Edel in the admin office by Monday, March 21st. Students were met in order to give them plenty of time to decide on their choices.
There is a lot of information on the Guidance page of the school website: https://careersportal.ie/careerguidance/office.php?school_id=170
There is also detailed information on each Leaving Certificate subject on Careers Portal. Please see the following link: https://careersportal.ie/school/subject_explorer.php
If you need any more information, please contact Mr Hogan lhogan@stmc.ie or Mr. O'Connor r.oconnor@stmc.ie
Brian Mooney addressing all of TY last Friday, February 18th. Thanks to Mr Hogan & Mr O'Connor
Footee.ie in School & Paintballing
Great fun on 17th Feb and another round of fun planned for the 24th March with a TY trip to paint balling in Wicklow. More details on that to follow soon.