Activities Week Highlights
Cognitive Abilities Tests (CATs) for all TYs
Oddballs Presentation
RE Retreat
Zoom with Tanzania!
Spanish Exchange
A reminder that Module 4 begins this Monday and that Mr Hogan will be distributing updated timetables during the day.
Activities Week Highlights
Sopme great photos of a rare tour into the of the CCJ. We also got to meet with the Care After Prison team to hear about the work being carried out to support men and women integrate back into day to day life after release from prison. Thanks to Diane, Keith and Tony for their first hand accounts of prison life and rehabilitation.
Nice work fixing and testing bikes getting delivered to refugee children at Balseskin Reception Centre. Along with safe cycling sessions on the East Pier and coastal mobility route during the week.
Cognitive Abilities Tests (CATs) for all TYs
Thursday, Feb 2nd
On Thursday, all TY students will undertake the online Cognitive Abilities Test. Where possible, you need to be in school on Thursday, Feb 2nd.
You need to bring:
-A fully charged laptop or tablet. You cannot use your phone for this test.
-A pair of earphones that will connect to the laptop or tablet
-A pencil or pen for rough work
It is essential, you bring all required equipment listed above.
If you cannot do the test on the day for any reason, you will have to do the test at home, supervised by your parents and the results will be issued later than those who attended. Consequently, your subject choice meeting with your Guidance Counsellor will be delayed and take place after everyone else.
Can those on exchange please contact Mr. Hogan for arrangements for you to sit the test in your own time in advance of Feb 2nd.
Oddballs Talk on Tesicular Health
Tues the 12:20, 31st Jan
Assembly Hall
OddBalls talks focus on raising awareness of Testicular Cancer, tackling the stigma associated with young people talking openly about their testicles and encouraging people to check themselves regularly.
The talk is fun, informal and gets people thinking about really important health issues from a less serious perspective. An important conversation.
4.1 Retreat
Wednesday 1st February
Mr Doolan will be calling to 4.1 with details of this week's retreat.
Zoom with Tanzania
To mark Catholic Schools Week, six TY students who will be travelling to Tanzania next May had a 20 minute zoom call to fellow students in the Libermann Boys School in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. It was a fascinating first engagement where insights into life in both school were shared. Though separated by over 7,500 kilometers, it was wonderful to hear how similar the boys were - sports, subjects, career goals.
We look forward to further engagement with the boys in Libermann School over the coming months.
Thanks to Mr Doolan for coordinating
Spanish Exchange
A fond farewell to our Spanish Exchange students and a special thanks to our host families for all their hospitality and Mr Leon for coordinating the exchange.
tour of the Dail where did a Q&A with Senator Malcolm Byrne. They had a big chat on if the voting age should go to 16.
Tour of Trinity library and Book of Kells.
Thanks to Ian Lucey for passing on the photos