Tuesday: Prize Day (Morning Activity TBC)
TY Triple: World Record Holder, Diarmuid O'Briein
Music Week
Welcome German Exchange Students
Some Highlights
Belfast Trip
€1500 for the NRH!
"How Social Entrepreneurs Can Spark a Revolution", John O'Shea talk
Sports Day
An important note: we'll be returning to the normal class timetable for 4.1 - 4.5 this week.
Please also note that the assessment week is Monday 15th to Friday 19th May
Activity week runs 22nd - 26th May:
Remember: You'll need your bike for the Bike Maintenance and Skills Workshop. I'll also be sending out a class form for those who are going on Work Placements in due course.
Finally, interviews will be taking place for the Leaving Cert Exam Assistant posts. Mr Hogan and I will let applicants know when early this week.
Tuesday: Prize Day (Tuesday Morning Activity TBC)
We'll be taking part in a morning trip this Tuesday and returning to the Prize Day Ceremony for 11:40am
TY Triple: World Record Holder, Diarmuid O'Briein
Diarmuid O'Briein will be talking about goal setting and about how he and his team mates set a new world record for the fastest crossing of the Atlantic by a team of five rowers; rowing from the Canaries to Antigua, in 33 days, 12 hours, and 38 minutes in what is considered to be the toughest rows in the world.
If you would like to attend the Friday afternoon trad recital, please make sure to email dsheridan@stmc.ie to secure your place.
Welcome German Exchange Students!
We're very happy to welcome to our 8 German students who will be with us until May 20th.
Many thanks to Ms Stephens for coordinating.
Belfast Trip
A thought provoking tour of Belfast on Tuesday delivered from "conflicting perspectives". An enlightening experience.
€1500 for the NRH!
In cooperation with the Dun Laoghaire Lions Club as part of their DEYLI programme - the cheque was presented this week👏 Well done and congratulations to all involved.
"How Social Entrepreneurs Can Spark a Revolution"
John O'Shea talk
Many thanks to John O'Shea for his inspirational talk and to Mr Doolan for organising.
Sports Day