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TY Newsletter 23 - 27 March

You'll find the following below:

  • SubjectChoice Forms Deadline

  • Assessment Week

  • TY Reps Activities

  • SOAR Survey & Mental Health

  • Online resources

Subject Choice Forms (Deadline Approaching)

For parents of students who still need to submit their 5th Year Subject Choice Form.

Mr. Hogan and Mr. O'Connor have met most TY students individually about their 5th Year Subject Choice options. They were planning to have met everyone by Friday, March 20th. Unfortunately, due to the sudden school closures, this was not possible.

If your son has not already handed in the form, he needs to do so. Mr. Joyce has emailed all students a digital copy of the form. The first building block of the school timetable is 5th Year Subject Choice and each student's form is needed to give him the best chance of getting the subjects he wants to undertake in 5th Year. At this point, we are not certain when the school will reopen.

Thus, students still need to ensure that their forms are with Edel by the original deadline of Wednesday, March 25th.

If the form still needs to be submitted, your son can fill in the Excel copy or print it out and take a picture of it. Either way, please ask him to email it to ensuring that his name is on it.

If you have any questions please email Mr. Hogan for 4.1 or 4.2 and Mr. O'Connor for 4.3, 4.4 or 4.5.

Subject Choice Forms can be found HERE

New Subjects to consider


Computer Science

Online Assessment Week 4

23 - 27th March

All TY assessments will take place online for this Assessment Week

TYs all have access to Google Classroom and will be contacted through this platform by their teachers outlining what they are expected to do for Assessment Week. Work will range from online presentations/slide decks, reviews, essays and online exams

Please be sure to go through the notifications he receives in the coming days with him - some of the subjects may use the results from this week for streaming purposes.

TY REPS & TY Activities

It's been very disappointing to find myself in the position where I've been forced to cancel nearly all upcoming TY activities.

However, I'm glad to report that myself and Mr Joyce met with TY reps on Friday to discuss how, as a year, we can make the most of this difficult time.

Keep an eye on Google Classroom and emails for upcoming events and opportunities.

SOAR SURVEY & Mental Health

Massive efforts have been made both nationally and internationally to tackle Covid 19 but I'm sure everyone is feeling the strain at times - it's been very difficult.

An organisation that has asked for our help during this time is SOAR, where the work they do with young people is face to face in schools.

So because the circumstances are a different right now they are trying to come up with new and interesting ways to connect with young people.

They are asking to get a snapshot of what life looks like right now for young people. How has life changed for them over the last few weeks and what they need are some of the key elements in helping to bring Soar into the online world.

With this in mind, we have circulated a survey with all TYs via Google Classroom to document all this valid information so SOAR can help support, inspire and connect with them over the weeks and months ahead.

Please note that the survey is completely anonymous.

It would be wonderful if all TYs carry this out over the weekend as I’m sure you understand that this content will shape SOAR's programs.

Please also know that these organisations have been creatively and tenaciously coming up with ways of providing supports to those that need them in the coming weeks (it also goes without saying, if anyone needs help or some more clarity on anything - please don't think twice about getting in touch):

The Samaritans are available 24/7 for free support by phone or email.

️116 123

Aware are operating their freephone support line, email support and online Life Skills programme.

️1800 804 848 (7 days a week from 10 AM - 10 PM)

Pieta have 24/7 freephone supports and text support services.

1800 247 247

text HELP to 51444 offer peer support, online support groups and professional support.

Shine are offering remote support to people who use their services including online and over-the-phone support and an outreach service.

Helplink are providing online counselling and therapy. provides information and practical advice created by young people, for young people.

Jigsaw have online services available such as "Ask Jigsaw" and "Jigsaw Online Group Chats".

Bodywhys offer email and online support groups

GROW is providing support groups online, where face-to-face groups are not available.

BeLonG To will continue their Crisis Counselling Services and provide them digitally.

All current clients are being contacted directly.

MyMind are providing counselling and psychotherapy both online and by phone.

️ 076 680 1060


One last note:

There has been a lot of coverage concerning young people and their failure to maintain social distancing guidelines (much of it unfairly focusing on solely young people).

That said, we're asking all TYs and their families to constantly keep in mind as to why these guidelines are so fundamentally important and what they hope to achieve. Even it's simply a show of solidarity and respect for the real fears of the vulnerable members of our community in the coming weeks I'd as you all to please respect social distancing guidelines.

To stay up to date on all information

WHO have set up a WhatsApp information service


To counter dis/mis information - you'll find some helpful tips here

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