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TY Newsletter 30th Mar - 3 Apr

Hi All,

You'll find the following in this week's TY Newsletter:

  • Social Distancing Reminder

  • Assessment Week

  • TY Reps Daily & Weekly Challenges

  • Helping Out Classmates

  • TY Activities Week with Headon Boxing Academy

  • Some online options...

Social Distancing Reminder

For more information on why we need to be taking this advice very seriously can be found in RTE Prime Time's The science behind social distancing HERE



Assessment Week

Well done on completing Assessment Week 4 which is wrapping up today.

***Please be sure to check that all submission instructions were followed correctly and that any issues are reported to individual teachers asap.***


TY Reps Daily & Weekly Challenges

Thanks to the TY Reps for all their hard work and coordination on these activities. We've had 70 sign ups this week. The TY Reps and I will be monitoring how this is going and adapting the activities to the group as the challenges are set... so, still plenty of random fun to come!

The Daily Challenges this week were:

Day 1: Toilet Paper Keepie Ups

Day 2: Photo of the Best Looking Meal cooked by a TY

Day 3: Best Bed Fort!

Day 4: Crossbar Challenge

Congratulations to winners of the daily €5 Digital PS/Xbox Prize Token: Mark Blake, James Furlong and Andy far!

This week's Weekly Challenge:

Week 1: Make your own Movie Trailer

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any suggestions for Activities (perhaps ones that other schools are taking).


Helping Out Classmates

Another activity being sent out to TYs on the TY Activities Challenge Google Classroom. Two things asked of TYs this week::

Writing in The Guardian this week, the socialist and economist Wiliam Davies points out that The term “crisis” derives from the Greek “krisis”, meaning decision or judgment. From this, we also get terms such as critic (someone who judges) and critical condition (a medical state that could go either way). A crisis can conclude well or badly, but the point is that its outcome is fundamentally uncertain.

To experience a crisis is to inhabit a world that is temporarily up for grabs.

The decisions we make over the next few weeks will help you in shape just who you are. To quote Michael D Higgins's recent speech, 'Instincts of empathy and caring’ can be rediscovered in crisis. These are traits that many of us neglect but we can take a bold step in deciding to cultivate these.

With this in mind, this is the first prompt of many that you will be sent that will help you to help those around you and help you strengthen and develop as a GENTLEman:

Think of a classmate who's finding our current situation difficult. What advice would you give him? It could be a quote, something you do to cope with boredom or anxiety, perhaps advice a relative gave you ...anything at all that might offer respite to a friend in need.

1.Think of a classmate who's finding our current situation difficult. What advice would you give him? It could be a quote, something you do to cope with boredom or anxiety, perhaps advice a relative gave you ...anything at all that might offer respite to a friend in need.

The best advice I could give to someone at the moment is…(answers were shared to the Google Classroom)


2. Many of you have relatives who are currently isolated from family and friends. It's a fretful and difficult time for them. Think about it for a moment - What time are you going to call them at today to cheer them up?


TY Activities Week with Headon Boxing Academy

Commencing April 20th

I'm very glad to say that Headon Boxing Academy are working on a daily class that will run for 2 weeks for all TYs in STMC.

More details will follow shortly.

Please find a note from Paddy & Sean below:

We understand that the Transition Year students (and the entire school!) are sitting at home at the moment during this quarantine. Inevitably they are bound to get bored and restless and we see it as a great opportunity with all of this free time for them to incorporate exercise into their daily routine and help provide them with some daily structure. We know a lot of the TY students already from the previous activity weeks and the concept of the activity week is tried, tested and very popular and can be adapted to be moved online.

Headon Boxing Academy: We have partnered with professional audio, visual and lighting company and have taken a team of video editors on board for the foreseeable future. Everyday we are creating challenging and energising at home workouts which are edited to make sure that they are of a very high standard, easy to follow and an enjoyable fitness experience. We are currently offering online boxing classes, sweat classes and mobility classes. All classes are beginner friendly and are led by Sean, Patrick or Jamie Headon, industry leaders in their respective fields (boxing and CrossFit).

Our Proposal: We recommend that we use the budget for the upcoming activity week which had to be cancelled unfortunately for these classes. Instead of only offering the classes to the particular group of 20 or so students these classes would be available to the entire year and would run for a 14 day period. We would run 5 workouts per week for the students and 2 talks which they can login to watch focusing on diet, training, and excelling in sport and business.

One of the few benefits of this quarantine is that everyone has excess time. However, how you spend this time is very important. Too much time staying stationary or on social media is detrimental to someones physical and mental well being. It would be great to provide the students with an opportunity to exercise daily and also the ability to learn a new skill (like boxing and nutrition) while at home.



Drama from the Abbey Theatre (with more interesting shows currently in production soon to be streamed)

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